Local Custom Websites

Custom Websites

Your Website needs to stand out and give your potential customers a professional looking website along with ease of navigating through the information for which they are looking.

I will custom design your website by corresponding with you and getting to know what your business is about and what you are looking for and also what you want your website to do for you.

I do not use any prebuilt template and throw your content into it. I hand make all my websites from a blank canvas and work up from there. With search engines they want good coding on which the website is built. The better the coding the better your chances for higher search rankings. I optimize as much as I can without losing the integrity of the site. If you are interested in more information click bellow.

https://gtmetrix.com/ has a lot of information on the subject and also straight from google at https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/.